Our Story

Having met while studying at the University of Guelph, we have had a common interest for farming and raising animals for a long time. We purchased our farm on Wilhaven Drive in the fall of 2020 and started with 5 belted Galloway cows. This year we calved out 28 animals and our herd has grown to 80 animals.

On top of farming, Chelsea is a large animal veterinarian. She works mainly with cattle but has dealt with pretty much any animal you can think of that lives on a farm. She brings her knowledge in animal health and welfare to make sure all of the animals on Arch Lea Farm live their best life. 

Arjan who also works outside the farm in real estate, brings a strong knowledge of farming in general having grown up faming in Holland. When his family decided to move to Canada, Arjan then continued his passion for farming by working on a multitude of different farms across the country. 

Together they have the skills to create something beautiful and it has been their goal to create a farm focused on a thriving, living symbiotic ecosystem of soil, bugs, plants and animals. In turn, they are able to provide a healthy and environmentally sustainable source of food to their local community.